This is me. I’m Rae. I am a military wife, mom and household 6. I enjoy yoga, browsing Pintrest (and trying to re-create what I see), camping, fishing, anything having to do with water…especially the beach, and hanging with friends and family.
I was born and raised in Florida…GO GATORS!...and I miss the beach every day. I joined the Army when I was 19, met, fell in love with and married my hubs. Soon after we got married we found out we were expecting brat #2. I got out of the Army and started my job as household 6. Honestly, I’m not very good at it…my best intentions usually turn into a soup sandwich. But, hey, I keep trying!
This is Hubs. And, yes, that lovely gesture is directed at me…can you tell he LOVES having his picture taken (LOL). He has been an Infantryman for 12 years. He has a love/hate relationship with his job, but I know he wouldn’t want to do anything else! I have followed him all over the country, from Georgia where we met, to Hawaii, Oklahoma, and Kentucky. But I would follow him anywhere…where he goes I will go, and where he stays I will stay.
These are the brats. Brat #1 is my step-son, and a great kid. He lives with his mom and we don’t get to see him as often as we’d like, but we try to make the best of it. Brat #2 is the light of my life. He brings so much joy and laughter to my life. Along with {I am going to pull my hair out if you say “I forgot” one more time} frustration and worry (am I the only one who makes themselves sick worrying about their kid?). He loves LEGOS, I think he might grow up to be an engineer with some of the stuff he builds…its crazy!
This is Sissy. She is literally the BEST dog ever…if only I could get her to stop eating the cat shit…
This is Squirrel. My blind, one eyed cat. This is her preferred spot….ya, I have no idea. At least she’s pretty.
And…this is how we prepared for deployment #3…
I just found you....I am too an Army wife and blogger. Come check out my site at The Patriotic Pam. I also am from FL and am a HUGE Gator fan. I think we have a few things in common! ;O)
ReplyDeletePam @ The Patriotic Pam