If you follow many blogs or are on Pintrest, I’m sure you’ve heard of the “Home Management Notebook”. This is a great idea and is very useful, I have made one myself and one of my goals this year is to use my notebook regularly (right now it’s just a reference book, not something I use daily). The categories usually go something like this:
Menu Plan
To Do
Here is an awesome link to the site I
used to create mine: A Bowl Full of Lemons
While this is a great organization tool to use in your home,
I want to suggest another type of Notebook that all military (and even
non-military) families should have…I call it my “Go Book”. In it I have all my essential paperwork, you
know, the things that would devastate your life if the movers lost during a PCS. It holds all the documents that should be
hand carried with each move, all the stuff I need to register my kids for
school, emergency info, the info I would need if something terrible happened
while Hubs is deployed.
Right now my Go Book is nothing fancy, just a 3-ring binder
and some document protector pages divided into categories for each member of my
Here’s what mine looks like right now:
Hub’s Tab:
deployment orders, PCS orders, POA’s, DEERs enrollment info, Vaccine
records, Will, SGLI info, Record of Emergency data, ERB, Tricare enrollment
info, his Birth Certificate
My Tab:
Marriage certificate, SS card, my DD214, my mother’s will
Brat #1’s Tab:
Birth certificate, SS card, Shot records, divorce paperwork (Hubs and
wife #1), custody orders, school enrollment info
· Brat #2's Tab:
Birth Certificate, SS card, shot records, sports physical, student
health record, school enrollment info
Other Tab:
Housing Info
I also have a page in the front of my notebook that has each
family member’s vital info for quick access:
SSN, DOB, Blood Type, Allergies, Surgeries, Contact info. As well as a page that has a list of all our
account numbers (bank, credit cards, etc.) and their contact info.
Right now I have a separate folder for our pets, but I want
to add them to my go book as well. I
also want to organize it better so that in an emergency (you know what I’m
talking about ladies…a military emergency that will leave you paralyzed with
fear and someone else…your best friend, your mom, the CAO soldier who comes to your
house to help you sort it all out) can find the things needed. I will try to get that done this weekend and
take some pictures for you…I might even pretty my book up a little!!
Do you have a “Go Book”??
If so, what’s in yours? How do
you use it? Post a comment below and
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