House·hold Six
[hous-hohld, -ohld][siks]
nounMilitary spouse. One enlisted into military service through marriage. Military home management professional. Household Commander.
· Household relocation specialist, often moving multiple children and pets without help. Endeared to the various colors of moving stickers that signify different moves. Furniture displays battle scars of various front-line moving conflicts.
· Experienced in the art of waiting. Waiting for orders. Waiting for housing. Waiting for next deployment. Waiting for a brief 3 minute phone call. Waiting for homecoming. Waiting for promotion news. Waiting for retirement. Waiting for the new curtains to arrive to an APO address. Still waiting.
· Linguist. Speaks acronyms and can translate them into English for others: TDY, PCS, ERB, PT, BAH, DEROS, NCO, OPSEC, APO, DoDDS, LES, AMC, TLF. Can usually say hello, good-bye, thank-you, please and where is the bathroom in several languages too.
· Prepared. Will always have an ID card, power of attorney, copy of the orders, recall roster, and sponsor’s social security number ready. (Amazed if actually asked for own SSN)
· Self-sufficient. Can handle the yard work, an overflowing toilet, taxes, a vomiting child, and the checkbook. Usually all at once.
· Parents for two. Is able to take on the rolls of mother and father for extended periods of time. Helps children and mother-in-law cope with deployments.
· Comes second to the military mission. Has celebrated anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays alone. Woken up by 2 a.m. recalls. Knows he may not make it home for the baby’s birth. Doesn’t hold dinner any longer.
· Creative. Reinvents her career with every PCS. Fits the puzzle pieces of household goods into yet another house and can make a concrete dwelling feel like “home”.
· Flexible. Can adapt, improvise or overcome any situation. Can establish roots knowing they will be transplanted within three years. Has had three best friends in the last five years. Writes in address book using pencil.
· Possesses many specialized talents. Can easily translate military time. Can determine the kind of aircraft just by the sound of it. Can distinguish a military branch by the camo pattern on the uniform. Can remove stains from uniforms, carpets, walls.
· True backbone and fighting spirit in the military. Can successfully battle the commissary on a payday. Manages to get an appointment with TriCare when told none are available. …And don’t even get her started on TMO!
· Familiar with tears. Tears of joy and happiness. Tears of sorrow and loneliness. Tears of pride and honor. Tears at hearing the National Anthem, watching the honor guard fold a flag. And airport reunions.
Household: 1. the people living in one house collectively 2. (modifier) of, relating to, or used in the running of a household; domestic: household management
Six: 1. Tactical call sign of the military unit Commander ex: {insert unit name} 6 2. Designation for a commander of a company, Battalion, Brigade, or Division.
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